I was never prone to make them explicitly, but it doesn't hurt to change one's habits from time to time.
Being reasonably realistic I'm not starting my list with "I'll climb the Everest" - although I love the mountains this one is far away and too high and I know I wouldn't be able to climb it - nor "I'll dive in the Red sea" - diving never appealed to me though I appreciate others can have a passion for it.
- stop trying to be perfect
- trying to say "no" without qualms
- acquire a healthy balance between the physical and intellectual activities complemented by sufficient relaxation doing nothing
During this long term procedure I need to be prepared for some rudeness, some may send me to the hell, some to the ass (jdi do p****e ~ f**k you) ...
Since the last day of 2013 I can reply "thank you, but I was there already". The rock formation "Prdel světa (Ass of the world)" also called "Ďáblova prdel (Ass of the devil)" can be found in the nature park Česká Kanada.
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