pondělí, září 28, 2020

Změna je život a život je změna

Změny v životě jedince často souvisí i se změnami ve společnosti.

Během mého života se v naší zemi udál pokus o vytvoření socialismu s lidskou tváří, ale byl přerušen okupací Československa “spřátelenými” zeměmi Varšavské smlouvy v srpnu 1968. Další pokus o změnu režimu v listopadu 1989 byl úspěšnější, snad i díky změnám v ostatních zemích již zmíněné Varšavské smlouvy.

Po více než třiceti letech od Sametové revoluce však opět máme důvod k obavám o zachování demokracie, která je v naší zemi stále velmi mladá. Předseda vlády je ve střetu zájmů, ale tváří se, že se ho to netýká …

Doufám, že po říjnových volbách do krajských zastupitelstev a Senátu uvidíme náznak změny k lepšímu.

středa, září 23, 2020

Advancing in the life

Every now and then one needs to accept the reality and move from the past into the future. Just not too distant future, where the death is.

Exactly for this situation I found a perfect picture I saved to my computer about 3 years ago. My apologies to the author, I have no idea, where I downloaded it from. To his/her satisfaction I admit that I use a lot of other citations if I think I wouldn’t express myself better. This one expresses my current feelings. Thanks.

pátek, září 18, 2020

Life is ...

… what happens to you while you are making other plans. (John Lennon)

Well, this “life” came into my life in the form of Non-Hodgkin’s diffuse B-cell lymphoma, when I was definitely making other plans. I was temporary enjoying living and working in the UK, although my home country is the Czech republic. After the cancer experience I wanted to be as soon as possible back home, where my mum was aging. Actually we were eighty at the same time – or at least I felt eighty in the same year when she was eighty.

It is about seventeen years ago, a period, in which your child can be almost ready to leave home to start his/her own life. A period, in which a lot changed everywhere, not only in my native country.

Although divorced, I don’t understand, why people separate. As parents, as citizens of different nations, as members of different political parties, with different hobbies … you name it. In my humble opinion in the “climate change” era we should try to keep together to be able to resolve related problems together.

There is no winning it the politics. Those, who win the elections should keep in mind, that not everyone voted for them, just a majority of those, who turned up for the elections. Wherever on the planet Earth they are.